Validity, Reliability & Agreement Measures
Validity, Reliability & Agreement Measures
A common question encountered in biology is to which extent the measurement of a variable by two different methods, or by two different assessors using the same method, or by a single assessor repeating the measurement at two different time points, produces essentially the same result. Statistical methods used to assess agreement are concerned both with accuracy (validity), which is…
Diagnostic Accuracy Statistical Analysis
Diagnostic Accuracy Statistical Analysis
Having an accurate diagnostic test is as important as having an effective treatment. With the advancement of technology (e.g. smartphone, artificial intelligence), more diagnostic tools are evolving, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this 2-days workshop, you will learn how to interpret and conduct the statistical tests that detects the accuracy of a diagnostic test. Workshop Items: Sensitivity Specificity Positive…
Non parametric tests
Non parametric tests
Small sample studies constitute a challenge for the internal and external validity of scientific studies. Yet, small sample research is critically important as the research questions posed in small samples often represent serious health concerns in vulnerable and underrepresented populations. Small sample studies usually do not follow the statistical assumptions to conduct parametric statistical tests. An alternative appropriate analysis for…
The Odds, the Risk & the Hazard: Meaning and Interpretation
The Odds, the Risk & the Hazard: Meaning and Interpretation
The relative risk (RR) is not the hazard ratio (HR). If the outcome is cure and follow-up is for 5 years; a RR of 2 means that after 5 years, twice as much of patients in the treatment group are expected to be cured, compared to the control group; i.e., the RR is cumulative, which is why it is the…
Statistics for clinicians
Statistics for clinicians
S4C is a course intended to give clinicians the tool to understand indications, limits and proper interpretation of the most commonly used statistical analysis. It will be of significant help for a proper understanding of the literature and in choosing the appropriate test for your own studies. Participants will have their hands on SPSS to execute every test and learn…
Comprehensive Sample Size Calculation
Comprehensive Sample Size Calculation
One of the major limitations in clinical research is the insufficient information provided regarding its sample size calculation. The power of any study is to find the evidence and this cannot be achieved without adequate sample size. The question is how many is considered adequate. In course, we will show you how to calculate the sample size for different clinical…
Repeated Measures Design Tests
Repeated Measures Design Tests
Repeated measures design tests each patient: either for different conditions or for the same condition overtime (at different time points). For example, comparing the effect of medications to exercise in obese patients or, serially testing the effect of either condition overtime; all being carried out in the same group of patients. As each patient serves as his own control, the…