The relative risk (RR) is not the hazard ratio (HR). If the outcome is cure and follow-up is for 5 years; a RR of 2 means that after 5 years, twice as much of patients in the treatment group are expected to be cured, compared to the control group; i.e., the RR is cumulative, which is why it is the outcome of choice in RCT. A HR of 2 means that any time during the 5 years, twice as much of patients in the treatment group are expected to be cured, compared to the control; the HR is instantaneous, which is why it is the outcome of choice in time-to-event analysis.
Workshop items:
Risk and odds
Two relative risks and one Odds ratio
The adjusted relative risk
The odds in logistic regression
HR versus RR
The exponential hazard
Hazard ratio in Cox regression
OR, RR and HR: calculation of their 95 confidence interval and testing statistical significance
OR, RR and HR: interpretation in different models